I don’t want to hate women
(Edit: in other words, I am AFRAID of the possibility that I will hate women in the future and go down the route of becoming an incel)
I’ve never thought of myself as an incel, to me an incel is someone who has accepted that they can’t change and are defined by their thoughts of insecurity, but I have always found my way out of those thoughts. At the same time, I can’t deny these incredibly negative feelings I’ve been having toward women and It’s something I’ve come to hate about myself. I feel like I’ve never formed a meaningful connection with a woman, and every time I feel like I have a shot at being friends with one they lose interest and/or were likely just using the fact that I clearly liked them as an ego boost. This is evidenced by the fact that they will say they want to hangout, but never bother to set it up or bother responding to texts. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong, but it’s happened every single time and despite knowing not all women are like this it still feels impossible to stop my brain from jumping to that conclusion which is essentially just me building that barrier around myself for protection.