As a Vanguard player, I now understand why people dont want to play them.
Ive played mainly strange and mag but have a handful of vanguards at about captain, knight minimum. And I usually have a duo half the time (who also mainly plays vanguards). But playing the thing, solo, has really opened my eyes on this. People dont avoid vanguards because of their kits not making an impact, thats nonsense. It has nothing to do with them not being able to get kills or do damage. All things I outperform duelists on regularly.
But FML ya'll do not know how to take space once its been made for you. Consistently splitting the enemy team, disrupting, and even manage to get out to just notice the 5 remaining teammates getting bullied by a mag and 1 other. Seriously? Just over and over again.
I can only imagine someone trying out the role for the first time. Pick one of the 6 out 9 vanguards you shouldnt use as a solo tank but get pushed into a comp to solo tank. Thats already going to leave a bad taste in their mouth. But lets say they're lucky enough or knowledgeable enough to know which ones to pick and when. And then lets say if they managed to garner enough skill to use them well. To be consistently met with teammates that dont have a pair between them all would just be enough to get you go back to your 3rd, 4th or hell 5th DPS pick.
Edit: a word