New Jeans isn’t original?
To preface, I’ve been a huge NewJeans fan since their debut back in 2022. I’ve always considered their sound to be very original, fresh, and something I didn’t hear other groups releasing. Today, NewJeans has a distinct sound that is easily recognizable to everyone. However, recently I went on a bit of a rabbit hole and I discovered a song by Janet Jackson released back in 2001. The song is called ‘Someone To Call My Lover’ from her All For You album. I found that the chorus of this song sounds so much like a typical NewJeans song (I’m hearing ‘How Sweet’). Or rather, NewJeans sounds like this song? I’m not claiming that NewJeans’ sound isn’t original. I just used this title for clicks because I want to hear what other people have to say about this and ask if other people have made this connection. What do you guys think??