Alter Ego is actually surprisingly good
I did kinda had low expectations. I absolutely loved New Woman and Born Again but had mixed feelings about the other 2.
But I actually enjoyed the listening experience and a good chunk of songs are going into my playlist
First of all I need to give 10s to the production team. Like they ate across all songs. The beats are fire.
I also personally enjoyed how Lisa experimented with her voice in different songs. Kind of add more depth to the album, even in tracks that are a little similar (coming to that later).
Lyrically, it's not bad. Like yes there are some questionable ones but given it's English it's not as cringe as some of BP English lyrics. Definitely room to grow but not as bas as I thought they would be.
The only main criticism I have about this album is that it gets a little repetitive. Rockstar, F the World, Thunder, Bad Girrl could kinda be reduced to a same type of song. I wish we got more songs like Chill and Dream. But apart from the repetition the album's actually good. A solid debut for Lisa.
Stand out tracks are Lifestyle, Rapunzel, New Woman, Chill and Born Again
Overall I'd give it 7 or 7.5/10