Big 3 privilege
Small rant but I keep hearing people talk about how privileged idols from big3 companies are and how they've had it easy bc of their company and whatnot. This is straight up dismissing all of the hardwork these idols have put in. Did you guys forget how ridiculously difficult it is to get into any of the big 3/hybe, let alone be able to debut under them? Most idols that have debuted from big3 companies have been insanely talented. Same with producers, you can't just become a producer for a company without meeting their skill level. Lots of these big3 idols are hella talented and deserve the recognition they've gotten from day one because they've literally worked for it. It's not their fault they didn't debut in a small company.
(Side note, the reason I'm only saying big 3 and not big 4 is because I actually think the argument holds sliiight weight for hybe. Hybe definitely makes great music but some of their produced idols are honestly a bit lacking in some aspects. I honestly don't think any hybe produced group would be as popular as they are now had they not debuted under hybe except maybe newjeans and eventually txt)