Metas & Standards
A brief non-argumentative overview of all the things that I would like absorbed into peoples minds as a default/baseline agreement to smooth/improve pub gameplay. Raas/aas focus
1) Radio, hab, and rep ideally inside/ under cover. Short sightlines to rep prefered in most cases
2) Rep station+mortars on defensive fob
3) 1 defence fob in/near point and upwards of one attack fob. Rallies up as often as possible and acting as primary spawns
4) No marksmen, AR or MG until minimum 2 riflemen, 2 medics assuming full squad. Afterwords it depends on map and how sweaty you are
5) Pass out FTLs and put everyone in a fireteam. Can be random, just make sure they know how to pass amongst themselves
6) no more than 3 people backcapping unless you dont have any lane clarity. 27man backcap only if large map+no lane clarity for a while
7) first fobs depend largely on timings and lane clarity, but generally 1 for midpoint and 1 for 3rd. That means generally logis shouldnt do backcaps
8) Helis shouldnt land/hover for longer than 20 seconds. No attack fobs with helis either. 80% of the time you are spotting for armor, habs, and flanks, 20% you do supplies
9) armor work with your infantry. Play where you will have support and play to support them in return. You also probably want to wolfpack your armor
10) Commander is just an SL with a few extra tools. They aren’t responsible for coordinating the team or creating a plan.
REMINDER THAT NONE OF THIS APPLIES IN ALL CASES. Just a baseline to build off of. Seeing too many bad habits and weird opinions floating around here and in game. Not meaning to sound pretentious. It would just take a looonggg time to explain the points properly, and youd still have people arguing. This is just easier