I just lost my first contract job. Feeling very defeated.

This was the first job I ever liked. I felt challenged, I really enjoyed my coworkers, and it paid the most I have EVER made. I really thought this was the beginning of a career; not just a job. It was contract to hire. Last night, my recruiter called and said my contract had been terminated. My coworkers liked me. I thought I was doing a good job. I don’t know what happened.

I know that’s always a possibility with these sorts of jobs but I didn’t know it would hurt so bad. Everything in my life was just starting to fall into place. I had just gotten over a 5 month long depression after moving to a different state, now this.

I know I’ll be fine financially. I have a little bit of a savings, can sell off some stocks if things get really bad, and my recruiter is already looking for a new opportunity for me. Next time, I won’t let myself get too invested. So it’s a learning experience.

I’m just sad and venting. This sucks.