Are there any episodes that make you tear up and get the big box of Kleenex?

I've been a "Grimm Fan" since it first aired... have met several of the actors from the show {ALL Awesomely Cool!} Ive been watching the re-runs on the "Comet" station, and Loving it! But there are a few episodes that have always gotten to me... and I've seen 2 of them recently. The first one I'll talk about is the episode with the aging, geriatric "Wessin"... and in their community, they have someone that helps the aged "Cross Over" to the next plan of existence. When the elderly woman has to say goodbye to her Alzhimers stricken husban... the... tenderness and emotion that episode is treated with is really sweet and moving.

The second one I saw last night... it was the one where Monroe takes Rosilee out to dinner at a very expensive restaurant... then when they return home he HAS to show her the very "Special Clock" he had been working on... and he tells her to "Pay specific attention to the CooCoo mechanism of the clock. When he makes the clock go off on the hour... the little CooCoo bird pops out with a Diamond Ring in it's beak saying... "Will you... marry me! Will you... marry me!"

As a die-hard, Hard-Core Romantic...I LOVE the chemistry between Monroe and Rosilee! {and NOW APPARENTLY also with the two actors in real life as well?!} They just really get each other...

Just great stuff!!!