Is there any mod that can... imitate GUI/player actions and interactions?
(sorry for grammar issues, not english-talking person, and that post will look like a damn essay))
I've been working on one project quite a long time... I don't think I need to describe what is it,, but one of its features - is automated development and self-repair. What does it mean: when starting a game, I'll need to build a "starting thing" , I'll be calling it the seed. There'll be ComputerCraft: Tweaked (and maybe a bit of TIS-3D) computer, user will write the pastebin link into it, and after loading the program, it'll tell player what first steps to do, what resources to get, what to build (still connected to seed), until it'll become automatic enough to grow and get resources by itself. It'll also be able to detect damages and "regenerate" them. Main part of moving stuff will be made on Create, later there'll be other mods involved (or many of them except for Create, installed mod scan is planned as well).
But here comes the problem: not much of things can be automated even this way. Let's say, just for an example, that I want to use Tiny Redstone. I could use it to compact a whole redstone computers if no computer-related mods are installed! But how the hell can system build a circuit? There are definately no mods that could do such thing. Or what about unique options for blocks, like choosing I/O of block when it's only accessable through right-click on block and pressing buttons in its interface? What about big Create's rails and placing them in complex angles and turns, and gluing the blocks to create a contraption for trains and flying stuff from addons... or just a simple book writing, map item updating, anyway - there are no machines for that...
I decided to temporarily do this thing: program will be able to tell a player what he must do manually, but if player himself decides to not be involved in this process, the program will do only what it can do, so before I'll put instructions in program, during the building of structure itself in built phase before that, I'll need to try hard to not use stuff that program can't interact with.
And that's what I was thinking about: if there would be some kind of mods, addons, adding some machines or even robots, that could imitate player's action including other interfaces and just key/mouse-clicks on different angles, it could fix all that. Maybe there could be a function to "record" mouse movements and clicks, maybe a function to recognise custom slots and buttons and even text of inventories in opened interfaces, what item mouse holds, in what direction player's head is moving. The question is... is there really ANY mod that can do something similar to that? I guess no, so... maybe a little chance that in FAR FAR future I'll see what I can do with Lua and Java for such thing...