Shoulder The Burden

This perk cannot make it to live in its current iteration. Against good teams, it will be so difficult, if not impossible, to kill even one person if you're not playing certain killers that you should expect +200% bonus bp on killer until it is nerfed.

It is possible that if you want to tunnel out the weak link (a smart move that will help you win the game) it will take you 6 hooks, 5 of those which you have to go through off the record and 1 decisive.

This perk also directly buffs deliverance by guaranteeing it gets value, since you can reverse a 1st hook stage on a deliverance player.

This perk is also buffed by reassurance, camaraderie and nerfed 70 second hook stages. You can now keep 1 survivor on hook from the moment they are first hooked until the last second they are about to die, using reassurance, and stalling the unhook to nearly 3 minutes. Your only counter to this is proxy camping the hook close enough to get value off of the expose, which will lose you map pressure or if you are camping too close, activate the base kit anti camp feature.

Killers are having too much taken from them. Survivors are being stacked so heavily, it feels like they are the power role. Survivors have received base kit borrowed time, base kit anti camp, an anti gen protection measure and now this perk. This, combined with the several other unhook perks that prevent tunneling or remove pressure.

Soon, people will be suggesting base kit unbreakable because "for some reason slugging has become the meta". Survivors have more than enough tools to deal with tunneling, camping and slugging. All you are doing by introducing overkill mechanics like this is pushing killers to resort to playing even dirtier, or driving them away from the game.