Shout out to the aged 40+ CF folks here
I (28F) just wanted to take a moment to appreciate those of you who are 40+ & established in your lives who are happy with your choice to remain childfree. I love when you all share your experiences with how being CF has impacted your lives. Most of us are very confident that we also won’t regret our choice, but it’s still hard being in the prime of our “reproductive/fertile years” to have to defend simply existing without creating other human life to supplement fulfillment in our lives.
Hearing the constant “you won’t know real love” “you’ll be lonely and miserable” “your life is meaningless” rhetoric over and over is so discouraging sometimes. During times like that however, I am so inspired by all of your stories whether it be your lives filled with adventure and opportunities, or those of you who aspired to live quietly and contently. It’s frustrating when the breeders insist that none of you who remained CFBC exist happily, and it’s reassuring to share this space with you knowing that you do. So thank you! 💖