professor thinks people won’t take me seriously if I crochet in a professional setting

I crochet in lectures to help me focus better, since otherwise I end up picking at my skin. my professor asked me to stay after class today and expressed that she’s worried if I keep crocheting once I’m in a professional setting (I’m going to be a teacher) then people will think I’m unprofessional or not paying attention. is this something any of you have experienced? the older (college grad) friends I’ve talked to have said that if you crochet in meetings, the most likely consequence is someone will ask you to make a blanket for them. I’m very frustrated because nothing helps me stay focused as much as crochet. she wants me to buy a fidget spinner instead but I don’t think that would solve anything.

edit: to clarify, I wouldn’t be crocheting while actively teaching, only in meetings. if I am the one speaking, or if im in a very small group (like an IEP meeting as some mentioned) then this wouldn’t end up being an issue. I only crochet if im doing a lot of listening and I don’t need to be constantly taking notes. I’m not sure if my professor actually understood this