can we talk about melica?
to preface this - YES i know the show has edits & agendas and its entertainment and its cut to look a certain way BUT
this woman 🤦🏻♀️she is rude, entitled, plays the victim and has been ridiculously lucky to just happen to be in a winning team. i just caught up on the latest episode and honestly she was infuriating. mia is my favourite and is just overall so much classier and has much more common sense.
it always annoys me that LS never sees these types of things because they happen to win. she only won the other week because her team actually work hard or the other team just happen to be terrible. she screams narcissist to me. i hope she gets found out soon.
p.s is my memory terrible or has liam also not been a PM yet? not standing out to me at all. i don't think emma does much either
p.s.s karren's little "I KNOW it's a profit task" and LS "they're not prisoners"...guaranteed if the teams had spent so much on wine the comments would have been it's about profit, save money why are you spending so much