Is this candidate getting too much credit?
week 1 - I didn't see anything from him
week 2 - now, yes he should have been sub team leader. But i do not recall what he did which was so impressive that week. he did have the opportunity to put forward his ideas, but all I remember is him saying he should have been sub team leader. I don't think it would have made a difference to be honest
week 3 - ok, good negotiation
week 4 - very negative in the kitchen and even had the audacity to confront Mia about it in the boardroom. Don't think he did anything optimal.
week 5 - not a good sub team leader, his decision to go for the purple packaging was poor, it resembled cadbury's, and he let Amber come up with the name and do the video.
week 6 - good negotiation on the food, I don't know what else he did, probably doing alright in the kitchen?
Overall, I have concluded that he is a decent negotiator, but outside of that I haven't seen many skills from him