Potential future arcs (some spoilers)

So we're now far enough into the mamga that there's a lot of moving pieces in play. Multiple characters each showing different aspects of the world and how they challenge them. So I wanted to suggest and discuss potential future arcs or themes that might appear. Not in any critical way of course, just some fun theories. Feel free to drop your own thoughts and opinions below on where you think the story is headed. SPOILER WARNING AHEAD!

Custas' action will have some immediate effects on the story. Moreso with Quifrey's sketchy af motives. The knights moralis will be a huge problem, epecially with the wise in principles having her memory of the night erased. With no memory of the compromises they made. She could easily turn on Beldaruit and Coco with Easthies' persuasion

With recent events involving the Royal family I believe we may see a large scale conflict between the outsiders and the witches os in the future. Likely orchestrated by the brimmed caps like how we see ininia's "gift" to the king being an ink pot. This would also be interesting with Tetia's recent interactions with Prince Eoleo and her general philosophy that witches and outsiders should be able to coexist.

A possible arc of Quifrey on the run. Either hunting brimmed caps or running from the knights moralis while Beldaruit covers his tracks. Perhaps he visits Alairia and Euini. Would also be a good opportunity to see Olly step into the role of a reluctant master for the main girls, taking the trial and seeing how he teaches differently from Quifrey. We see this a bit in the Great Hall arc as well as his interactions with Aggot on silver eve.

We'll likely see the apprentices take on the other trials of the pentagram. A good opportunity for each of them to grow and a chance to see characters like Jujy and maybe Euini return. But I think this will mostly be an Aggot and Coco centric arc, especially with the tower of tomes and both their motives there.

Tartah is an interesting case as his character could DRASTICALLY change depending on how Custas' situation turns out. Either finding a master in Quifrey or going agaimst the pointed hats alltogether. He and Aggot also seem to be the only ones catching on to Coco's comments of falling out of love with magic. Perhaps he'll help restore her passion for magic in the future.

The knights moralis as antagonists is becoming more apparent with the way some of them act. I think there might be either a full divide or disbanding of the order in the future. With Characyers like luluci, easthies and utowin taking center stage. Galga will also likely have a whole arc, rediscovering magic, and probably either changing his views on it from a new perspective or falling straight back into being a knight of the order.

Finally I think its pretty much confirmed we're gonna get a brimmed hat Coco arc. The sheer amount of foreshadowing told in both dialogue, art and paneling. Wether it's a vision or a moment where coco joins them, this will probably be a major climactic point to the series and will likely involve all the major characters we've seen so far, especially Iguin and Qufrey.

Thanks for listening to this rant. These aren't things I'm demanding to see. Just scatterbrained 3am theories I wanted to share. Would love to hear any other cool theories this community would like to share since im currently starving for WHA content.