Looking for ideas for a WtA campaign
So i got a general outline of a campaign and id like some thoughts.
The game is set during the early 90s. First the players will be in NYC dealing with the 7th generation and Morningkill's insane demands. After these events, morningkill will find a shitty excuse to exile them from NYC and the players will find refuge in Chicago. Cue "Under a red moon." after the events of that campaign, Morningkill considers them unworth it still and demands their expulsion to the Appalachia, where they will find King Albritch living in exile, ill put the players in the events of the Silver Crown novel so they can pull a coup d' tat against morningkill, only for him to be finished off by BSD.
thats a general overlay, but i do wanna check out the Apocalyptic Record, The Last Battle and Apocalypse as well..maybe read vancouver as well.