coomers are annoying

I'm not only talking GG, but every franchise

The absurd porn addiction is getting out of hand man. From username to attitude, it's so shameless it's ridiculously bad.

Juri feet, Elphelt titties, Mai Cammy Bridget... they also often play the privileged main character of the game as a side main and go full toxic with it (don't pretend all these main characters are all busted to the moon it's so favoritism) every time they go salty on you and want a "rematch".

Hypersexualisation is bad, porn is fucking bad you really don't want that in your life and the attitude by having 0 decency is the biggest crap you could do to yourself and people around you.

Anyway, can you guys please calm the FUCK down????? I have so many dramas and stories to tell but it would get me banned for sure.

If you're asking why I'm doing this post, it's because I had to deal with another of those stories, I'm tired man this whole "new" gen (but they're like between 20 and 30) of players are really ruining fun, locals are absurdly bad because of that, it reeks of dry cum and sweat where I am like, come on now brothers, respect yourself have dignity