Top 5 S3 Contestants?
5/ Freddie
Somehow talked his way out of being banished by the clique mid-game, then was the main voice behind taking out Minah. It's just too bad that he was simply not built to be a Traitor and completely crumbled when he got recruited.
4/ Jake
He had a few silly theroies, but he was the main reason Linda got banished, also helped get Armani out, then basically became the pseudo-leader of the Faithful from then on. Also made sense to put at least one of the winners in the Top 5, and it sure wasn't going to be Leanne lmao.
3/ Alexander
Definitely the most sane and rational Faithful. Never got into a needless argument, and even when his theories were wrong, there was always good logic behind them. Also he killed it at the physical challenges, damn. Very impressive that he got to the final four since he was considered an outsider from the start.
2/ Charlotte
Usually the final Traitor is the best, but in this case I think our fake Welsh girl got lucky with how things turned out. Getting recruited when she had no heat on her + an overly trusting fellow Traitor gave her a clear path to the final. Have to give her props though, getting one over on Minah is impressive, and she may very well have won if not for the Seer role.
1/ Minah
Maybe I'm just biased, but even though she got played by Charlotte in the end, I still consider Minah the MVP of the Season. She really took to being a Traitor right from the start, was funny to see her get so excited about murdering people. :D Definitely carried her team hard in the first half. She knew exactly when to stay quiet, when to stir the pot, and when to turn on the emotion to gain sympathy. Her only mistake was being overly trusting of Charlotte. Not that I blame Charlotte for that, it's part of the game, but it was nice for a Traitor to show a sense of teamwork for once. They could've won together in another timeline :(