Just finished season 5 and I got one question WTF did I just watch?
Having binged season 1-4 in about 1 week and loving near all of it once I got to season 5 there was a huge drop in the quality of the writing. For context season 1-4 were a 8/10 for me and season 5 was a 4/10 for more context Breaking bad which is my all time favorite TV show has a 9/10 for me and is THE only show I have given that high of a rating. For me I do not actually know why if it is due to the books being this bad or the show writers dropping the ball hard. This season was to me be akin to watching season 8 of game of thrones many dumb things happen in this season.
Like Chrisjen Avasarala not being willing to attack the belters which results in the earth dying last from what I remember it is mentioned that there are 30 billion humans living on earth in the show which is nuts that she was willing to let that many people die solely due to some moral grand standing. Not to mention like what happened to earths giant fleet? there is no real mention of it anymore while it sheer numbers is a big reason for Mars not being willing to fight an all out war for many years prior. Now all the sudden they seem unable to fight back at all? We do not even see earth taking any belts apart from the innocent ones of space stations is the Resoante the only ship left for earth? and they are not really allied with earth to start with.
The whole plot line that follows Naomi Nagata for the WHOLE season is beyond atrocious to me most of her scenes made me want to skip whatever was happening, but the WORST part is her INSANE amount of plot armor rather than putting her in a senario were she can escape they choose to let survive in the vacuum of space while Camina Drummer was legit so close to her as to being on the SAME ship as her. The worst was is that everyone in the show from season 1-5 including her former friend(dies in the same scene she makes jump) die near instantly the second they even are exposed to the vacuum of the space. Like sorry the boring and bad melodrama between Naomi and her son/ex is so bad but then you add shit like this, not to mention her broadcast that happens not moments before they fire up ship engines but SECONDS. Like we have had close calls before but this was way to much plot convince for me to handle.
What happened to Amos this season? what did they do to my boy? one of his BEST moments in the whole show was when he tells that scientist guy that "I am that guy". He was always willing to very dubious shit now he is will to listen to a GAO out of all people? the family that is legit the reason behind all of this to NOT shoot people who is are 110% going to kill them? The point of him is that he does actually make his own decisions in the show when he feels others are flat out wrong or are unable to do what needs to be done. Not only that but Amos also suffers from some crazy plot armor that he just so happens to low enough in a maximum security prison to not instantly die from a meteor strike but only "just" like it is to the lvl that only 5 people are even alive. What also puzzles me is why is he unable or unwilling to contact Chrisien at all? Would she not help him to get of earth? Maybe I was just so angry I missed the dialogue spoken at that point that properly explains it.
Then we got Alex I went and checked and the character is NOT dead in the books why did they not replace him with another actor? seriously what is going on here? shows have replaced actors in roles before even in the show they replaced the actor who plays Chrisien husband with someone who neither looks or acts like the prior actor did. Other shows you have them changing actors in the Witcher, in the MCU Bruce Banner and Rodey these are just the ones of the top of my head that I could think of.
There are many more point I could make about season 5 but these were just some of them that I could think of after finishing season 5 yesterday. I personally feel 0 investment in the series after this season to the point that I will be skipping season 6. For me it is sad how bad the show became as soon as Amazon picked it up the CGI looked amazing but everything else was much much worse than in prior seasons.