AVAILABLE] BOOKS PDF Thread (Part-21) Accepting requests every day


  1. Investments, 8th Canadian Edition: Bodie & Kane et al
  2. Calculus: An Applied Approach, Brief 10th Edition: Ron Larson
  3. Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, 10th Edition: Belch
  4. College Physics: Volume 1: Roger A. Freedman & Todd Ruskell & Philip R. Kesten
  5. Pharmacology and the Nursing Process, 8th Edition: Linda Lane Lilley & Shelly Rainforth Collins & Julie S. Snyder
  6. Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Study and Revision Guide (Igcse Study Guides), 2nd Edition: David Besser
  7. GCSE Physical Education Revision Guide (A*-G course): CGP Books
  8. GCSE History Modern World History The Revision Guide (A*-G course): CGP Books
  9. Social Fairness and Economics: Economic Essays in the Spirit of Duncan Foley: Lance Taylor & Armon Rezai & Thomas Michl
  10. Strategies for Successful Writing-Pearson (2016): James A. Reinking, Robert A. von der Osten
  11. Strategic Management: Theory: An Integrated Approach, 12th Edition: Charles W. L. Hill & Melissa A. Schilling & Gareth R. Jones
  12. Laboratory Manual for Physical Examination & Health Assessment, 7th Edition: Jarvis, Carolyn
  13. Principles of Marketing, 17th edition: Philip T. Kotler & Gary Armstrong
  14. Global Business Today, 4th Canadian Edition: Charles Hill
  15. Study Guide for Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, 10th Edition: Sharon L. Lewis & Susan A. Sandstrom & Linda Bucher & Margaret M. Heitkemper & Mariann M. Harding & Jeffrey Kwong & Dottie Roberts
  16. Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 7th edition: Jarvis, Carolyn
  17. Mosby’s Drug Guide for Nursing Students: Linda Skidmore-Roth
  18. Understanding Pathophysiology, 6th Edition: Sue E. Huether & Kathryn L. McCance
  19. Strategic Management: Theory & Cases: An Integrated Approach, 12th Edition: Charles W. L. Hill & Melissa A. Schilling & Gareth R. Jones
  20. Introduction to Programming with Java: A Problem Solving Approach, 2nd Edition: John Dean & Ray Dean
  21. Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, Single Volume, 10th Edition: Sharon L. Lewis & Linda Bucher & Margaret M. Heitkemper & Mariann M. Harding & Jeffrey Kwong & Dottie Roberts
  22. Essentials of MIS, 12th Edition: Kenneth C. Laudon & Jane P. Laudon
  23. Marketing: An Introduction, Sixth Canadian Edition: Gary Armstrong & Philip T. Kotler & Valerie Trifts & Lilly Anne Buchwitz
  24. Experience History Volume 2: since 1865: Davidson
  25. Medical Terminology Complete!, 3rd Edition: Bruce Wingerd
  26. Sociology: Core Concepts, 6th Edition: James M. Henslin
  27. The Practice of Statistics for Business and Economics, 4th Edition: David S. Moore & George P. McCabe & Layth C. Alwan & Bruce A. Craig
  28. Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Economics Study and Revision Guide (Igcse Study Guides): Paul Hoang & Margaret Ducie
  29. Community/Public Health Nursing Practice - E-Book: Health for Families and Populations (Maurer, Community/ Public Health Nursing Practice), 5th Edition: Frances A. Maurer & Claudia M. Smith
  30. Code of Ethics for Nurses With Interpretive Statements: American Nurses Association
  31. Approaching Democracy: Pearson New International 8th Edition: Larry A Berman & Bruce Allen Murphy
  32. Health: The Basics, The MasteringHealth Edition: Rebecca J. Donatelle
  33. Essential Cosmic Perspective, The, 7th Edition: Jeffrey O. Bennett & Megan O. Donahue & Nicholas Schneider & Mark Voit
  34. Integrative Assessment: A Guide for Counselors (Merrill Couseling): Andrew Gersten
  35. Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences, 4th editon: Charles Stangor
  36. Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice (Nursing Research: Methods, Critical Appraisal & Utilization), 8th Edition: Geri LoBiondo-Wood & Judith Haber
  37. Introduction to Teaching: Making a Difference in Student Learning, 2nd Edition: Hall Gene E. & Linda F. Quinn
  38. Law for Social Workers, 14th Edition: Helen Carr & David Goosey
  39. Anatomy Trains E-Book: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists, 3rd Edition: Thomas W. Myers
  40. Instrumentation for the Operating Room - E-Book: A Photographic Manual, 9th Edition: Shirley M. Tighe
  41. Charting Made Incredibly Easy! (Incredibly Easy! Series®), 4th Edition: Lippincott
  42. Skills Performance Checklists for Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques - E-Book, 9th Edition: Anne Griffin Perry & Patricia A. Potter & Wendy Ostendorf
  43. Introduction to U.S. Health Policy: The Organization, Financing, and Delivery of Health Care in America, 3rd Edition: Donald A. Barr
  44. Assessment in Special and Inclusive Education, 13th Edition: John Salvia & James Ysseldyke & Sara Witmer
  45. Sexual Offenses and Offenders: Theory, Practice, and Policy, 2nd Edition: Karen J. Terry
  46. Essentials of International Human Resource Management: Managing People Globally: Thomas David C. & Mila B. Lazarova
  47. Criminal Justice Procedure, 8th Edition: Stacy C. Moak & Ronald L. Carlson
  48. Judicial Process: Law, Courts, and Politics in the United States, 7th Edition: David W. Neubauer & Stephen S. Meinhold
  49. Strategic Staffing, 3rd Edition: Jean M. Phillips & Stan M. Gully
  50. The Art and Science of Leadership, Global 7th Edition: Afsaneh Nahavandi
  51. Mosby's Review for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination - E-Book (Mosbys Review for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination), 3rd Edition: James J. Mizner
  52. CoreMicroeconomics, Third Edition: Eric P. Chiang
  53. CoreMacroeconomics, Third Edition: Eric Chiang
  54. Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 2014 Elections and Updates, 16th Edition: Edwards, George C., III & Martin P. Wattenberg & Robert L. Lineberry
  55. Foundations of Sensation and Perception (Zones of Religion), 3rd Edition: George Mather
  56. The Copywriter's Handbook, Third Edition: A Step-By-Step Guide To Writing Copy That Sells: Robert W. Bly
  57. Communication Works, 11th edition: Michael Gamble & Teri Gamble
  58. Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design, Global 6th Edition: Joseph S. Valacich & Joey F. George & Jeffrey A. Hoffer
  59. Succeeding in Business™ with Microsoft® Excel® 2013: A Problem-Solving Approach: Debra Gross, Frank Akaiwa & Karleen Nordquist
  60. Essentials of Federal Income Taxation for Individuals and Business (2017): Linda Johnson
  61. Human Resources Management in Canada, Thirteenth Canadian Edition,: Gary Dessler & Nita Chhinzer
  62. Big Java Late Objects, 2nd Edition: Cay S. Horstmann
  63. Python for Everyone, 2nd Edition: Cay S. Horstmann & Rance D. Necaise
  64. American History: Connecting with the Past Vol 1: Alan Brinkley
  65. Music: An Appreciation: Kamien
  66. Genetics: Analysis and Principles, 5th Edition: Brooker
  67. Equine Dentistry - Elsevieron VitalSource, 3rd Edition: Jack Easley, DVM MS Dipl ABVP (Equine), Padraic M. Dixon, MVB PhD MRCVS, James Schumacher, DVM MS MRCVS Dipl ACVS
  68. Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination (Mosby's Guide to Physical Examination (Seidel)), 8th Edition: Jane W. Ball & Joyce E. Dains & John A. Flynn & Barry S. Solomon & Rosalyn W. Stewart
  69. Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management: Carlos Coronel & Steven Morris
  70. Project Management: The Managerial Process (McGraw-Hill Series Operations and Decision Sciences), 6th Edition: Larson
  71. Money, Banking and the Foreign Exchange Market in Emerging Economies: Tarron Khemraj
  72. Problem Solving Cases In Microsoft Access & Excel, 15th Edition: Ellen Monk & Joseph Brady & Emillio Mendelsohn
  73. Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education, 13th Edition: Daniel P. Hallahan & James M. Kauffman & Paige C. Pullen
  74. Pearson's Federal Taxation 2017 Individuals: Thomas R. Pope & Timothy J. Rupert & Kenneth E. Anderson
  75. Intercultural Communication: Globalization and Social Justice, 2nd Edition: Sorrells Kathryn
  76. Advanced Health Assessment & Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care - E-Book, 5th Edition: Joyce E. Dains & Linda Ciofu Baumann & Pamela Scheibel
  77. Psychology: Perspectives and Connections, 3rd Edition: Gregory Fiest
  78. We the People, 10th Edition: Benjamin Ginsberg & Theodore J. Lowi & Margaret Weir & Caroline J. Tolbert & Robert J. Spitzer
  79. Algebra and Trigonometry Enhanced with Graphing Utilities, 7th Edition: Michael Sullivan & Sullivan, Michael, III
  80. Rules for Writers with Writing about Literature (Tabbed Version) with 2016 MLA Update, 8th Edition: Diana Hacker & Nancy Sommers
  81. Reading the American Past: Volume II: From 1865: Volume-2, 5th Edition: Michael P. Johnson
  82. The American Promise, Value Edition, Combined Volume, Sixth Edition: James L. Roark & Michael P. Johnson & Patricia Cline Cohen & Sarah Stage & Susan M. Hartmann
  83. From Critical Thinking to Argument, 5th Edition: Sylvan Barnet & Hugo Bedau & John O'Hara
  84. Adult Learning: Linking Theory and Practice: Sharan B. Merriam & Laura L. Bierema
  85. Auditing and Assurance Services, Global 16th Edition: Alvin A. Arens & Randal J. Elder & Mark S. Beasley
  86. Advanced Accounting, Global 12th Edition: Floyd A. Beams & Joseph H. Anthony & Bruce Bettinghaus & Kenneth Smith
  87. Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis, 7th Edition: David Stout & Edward Blocher & Paul Juras & Gary Cokins
  88. Basic Legal Research: Tools and Strategies (Aspen Coursebook Series), 6th Edition: Amy E. Sloan
  89. The Story and Its Writer, Compact Ninth Edition: Ann Charters
  90. Beginning Algebra (Textbooks Available with Cengage Youbook), 8th Edition: Richard N. Aufmann & Joanne Lockwood
  91. Jazz, 12th edition: Paul Tanner & David Megill
  92. Financial Accounting, 4th Edition: Robert Kemp & Jeffrey Waybright
  93. Theatre, Brief Loose Leaf, 11th Edition: Robert Cohen
  94. Con brio: Beginning Spanish, Third Edition: Maria C. Lucas Murillo
  95. Technical Communication: Pearson New International Edition: Process and Product: Sharon Gerson & Steven Gerson
  96. Introduction to Critical Care Nursing, 6th Edition: Mary Lou Sole
  97. Principles of Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children, 7th Edition: Jane W Ball & Ruth C Bindler & Kay Cowen & Michele Rose Shaw
  98. Politics in States and Communities, 15th Edition: Thomas R. Dye & Susan A. MacManus
  99. Successful Project Management, 6th Edition: Jack Gido & Jim Clements
  100. Cracking the AP Physics C Exam, 2017 Edition: Proven Techniques to Help You Score a 5 (College Test Preparation): Princeton Review
  101. LPN to RN Transitions, 3rd Edition: Lora Claywell
  102. Myles' Textbook for Midwives, 16th Edition: Jayne E. Marshall & Maureen D. Raynor
  103. A World of Ideas, 10th Edition: Lee A. Jacobus
  104. Medical Language, 4th Edition: Immerse Yourself: Susan M. Turley
  105. A Novel Approach to Politics: Introducing Political Science through Books, Movies, and Popular Culture, 4th Edition: Douglas A. Van Belle
  106. Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative Approach, 5th Edition: Ann B. Hamric & Charlene M. Hanson & Mary Fran Tracy & Eileen T. O'Grady
  107. Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination, 7th Edition: Linda Anne Silvestri
  108. PWN the SAT: Math Guide, 4th Edition: Mike McClenathan
  109. Friedenberg, Silverman. Cognitive Science. 3rd Edition: Jay Friedenberg & Gordon Silverman
  110. Nursing Care Planning Made Incredibly Easy!, 2nd Edition: Lippincott
  111. The Capital Needs of Central Banks: Sue Milton
  112. Building Design and Construction Systems [Bdcs] Are Mock Exam [Architect Registration Exam]: Gang Chen
  113. The SAGE Handbook of Media Studies: Downing, John
  114. Employment, Growth and Development: Gnos & Rochon
  115. Calculus: Early Transcendentals (2nd Edition): Briggs & Cochran
  116. Multivariable Calculus, 10th Edition: Ron Larson & Bruce H. Edwards
  117. Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture for Writers, 8th Edition: Sonia Maasik & Jack Solomon
  118. Inventing Arguments (Inventing Arguments Series), 4th Edition: John Mauk & John Metz
  119. Nutrition: An Applied Approach, 5th Edition: Janice J. Thompson & Melinda Manore
  120. Wiley FINRA Series 57 Exam Review 2017: Wiley
  121. Choices for College Success, 3rd Edition: Steve Piscitelli
  122. Mechanics of Materials (Activate Learning with these NEW titles from Engineering!), 9th Edition: Barry J. Goodno & James M. Gere
  123. Fundamentals of Engineering Economics, 3rd Edition: Chan S. Park
  124. Learning the Art of Helping: Building Blocks and Techniques (The Merrill Counseling), 6th Edition: Mark E. Young
  125. Engineering Psychology & Human Performance, 4th Edition: Christopher D. Wickens & Justin G. Hollands & Simon Banbury & Raja Parasuraman
  126. Foundations of Nursing in the Community: Community-Oriented Practice, 4th Edition: Marcia Stanhope & Jeanette Lancaster
  127. Business Law and the Regulation of Business, 12th Edition: Richard A. Mann & Barry S. Roberts
  128. Calculus: Concepts and Contexts: James Stewart
  129. Theory, Practice, and Trends in Human Services: An Introduction, 6th Edition: Edward S. Neukrug
  130. Visualizing Psychology, 3rd Edition: Siri Carpenter
  131. America: A Narrative History (Tenth Edition) (Vol. 1): David E. Shi & George Brown Tindall
  132. Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5, 8th Edition: Terry Ann Felke-Morris
  133. ECON MICRO (New, Engaging Titles from 4LTR Press): William A. McEachern
  134. Beginnings & Beyond: Foundations in Early Childhood Education, 10th Edition: Ann Miles Gordon & Kathryn Williams Browne
  135. Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings, 6th Edition: Patrick A. Gaughan
  136. The Student Writer, 9th edition: Barbara Fine Clouse
  137. Legal Fundamentals for Canadian Business, 4th Edition: Richard A. Yates
  138. International Economics: Theory and Policy (Pearson Series in Economics), 10th Edition: Paul R. Krugman & Maurice Obstfeld & Marc Melitz
  139. Business Data Networks and Security, Global 10th Edition: Julia Panko & Raymond R. Panko
  140. Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge, 3rd Edition: Dee McGonigle & Kathleen Mastrian
  141. General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts, 7th Edition: Raymond Chang & Kenneth Goldsby
  142. Global Health 101 (Essential Public Health), 10th Edition: Richard Skolnik
  143. Reflect & Relate: An Introduction to Interpersonal Communication, 4th Edition: Steven McCornack
  144. Discovering the Universe, 10th Edition: Neil F. Comins
  145. Introductory Chemistry, 6th Edition: Nivaldo J. Tro
  146. Cracking the CBEST, 3rd Edition (Professional Test Preparation): Princeton Review
  147. The Rootkit Arsenal: Escape and Evasion in the Dark Corners of the System, 2nd Edition: Reverend Bill Blunden
  148. Content Area Reading: Literacy and Learning Across the Curriculum (What's New in Literacy), 12th Edition: Richard T. Vacca & Jo Anne L. Vacca & Maryann E. Mraz
  149. Customer Relationship Management, 3rd Edition: Buttle, Francis.,Maklan, Stan.
  150. Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy, 15th Edition: Anne Lawrence
  151. Brain-Computer Interfaces: Principles and Practice: Wolpaw & Wolpaw
  152. Biological Anthropology, 7th Edition: Michael Alan Park
  153. Neuropsychological Assessment and Intervention for Childhood and Adolescent Disorders: Cynthia A. Riccio & Jeremy R. Sullivan & Morris J. Cohen
  154. Molecular Biology: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition: Michael M. Cox & Jennifer Doudna & Michael O’Donnell
  155. The official guide for GMAT® Review 2017: GMAT/2017 Official Guide
  156. Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace, 5th Edition: Iris Varner
  157. Brain & Behavior: An Introduction to Biological Psychology, 4th Edition: Garrett Bob
  158. Study Guide to Accompany Bob Garrett’s Brain & Behavior, 4th Edition: An Introduction to Biological Psychology: Bob L. Garrett
  159. Terrorism and Homeland Security, 9th Edition: Jonathan R. White
  160. Introduction to Information Systems, 6th Edition: R. Kelly Rainer & Brad Prince
  161. Social Welfare: A History of the American Response to Need (Merrill Social Work and Human Services), 9th Edition: Mark J. Stern & June Axinn
  162. Discovering the Lifespan, 3rd Edition: Robert S Feldman
  163. Group Dynamics for Teams, 5th Edition: Daniel J. (Jay) Levi
  164. Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts & Tools (Thinker's Guide Library): Richard Paul & Linda Elder
  165. Understanding Nutrition, 14th Edition: Eleanor Noss Whitney & Sharon Rady Rolfes
  166. Practical Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare (with Links to over 30 Excel Worksheets): Using the A3 and Lean Thinking to Improve Operational Performance in ... Clinics, and Physician Group Practices: Todd Sperl & Rob Ptacek & Jayant Trewn
  167. Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus (The Pearson Series in Economics), 4th Edition: Jeffrey M. Perloff
  168. Western Civilization: Volume II: Since 1500, 9th Edition: Jackson J. Spielvogel
  169. Principles of Information Systems, 13th Edition: Ralph Stair & George Reynolds
  170. Alexander's Care of the Patient in Surgery (Alexanders Care of the Patient in Surgery), 15th Edition: Jane C. Rothrock
  171. Automotive Technology, 6th Edition: A Systems Approach: Jack Erjavec & Rob Thompson
  172. The Developing Person Through the Life Span, 10th Edition: Kathleen Stassen Berger
  173. Barron's CCRN Exam: Juarez, APN, CCNS, CCRN-K, Patricia
  174. Microeconomics, Student Value, 7th Edition: Jeffrey M. Perloff
  175. Cracking the AP Psychology Exam, 2017 Edition: Proven Techniques to Help You Score a 5 (College Test Preparation): Princeton Review
  176. Introduction to Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology, 3rd Edition: Robert Weis
  177. Managerial Economics, 4th Edition: Luke M. Froeb & Brian T. McCann & Michael R. Ward & Mike Shor
  178. Writing that Works: Communicating Effectively on the Job: Walter E. Oliu & Charles T. Brusaw & Gerald J. Alred
  179. Horngren's Financial & Managerial Accounting, The Financial Chapters, Global 5th Edition: Tracie L. Miller-Nobles & Brenda L. Mattison & Ella Mae Matsumura
  180. Biology: The Dynamic Science: Peter J. Russell, Paul E. Hertz, Beverly McMillan
  181. CCENT ICND1 100-105 Exam Cram: Anthony Sequeira
  182. 31 Days Before Your CCNA Routing & Switching Exam: A Day-By-Day Review Guide for the ICND1/CCENT (100-105), ICND2 (200-105), and CCNA (200-125) Certification Exams: Allan Johnson
  183. Global Capitalism: Its Fall and Rise in the Twentieth Century: Jeffry A. Frieden
  184. The Origins of the Modern World: A Global and Environmental Narrative from the Fifteenth to the Twenty-First Century (World Social Change), 3rd Edition: Robert B. Marks
  185. Transformations: Women, Gender and Psychology, 2nd Edition: Mary Crawford
  186. Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach, Global 8th Edition, : Joseph J. Martocchio
  187. Terrorism in the 21st Century, 7th Edition: Cynthia C. Combs
  188. Campbell Biology, Canadian 2nd Edition: Steven A. Wasserman
  189. Barron's ACT, 2nd edition (Barron's Act (Book Only)): Brian W. Stewart
  190. The Official ACT Prep Guide: ACT
  191. Ultimate Guide to the Math ACT: Richard Corn
  192. Corporate Communication (Irwin Business Communications), 7th Edition: Paul A Argenti
  193. Biological Psychology, 12th Edition: James W. Kalat
  194. Financial Accounting: IFRS, 3rd Edition: Jerry J. Weygandt & Paul D. Kimmel & Donald E. Kieso
  195. Society and Technological Change, 7th Edition: Rudi Volti
  196. Java Foundations: Pearson New International 3rd Edition: John Lewis & Peter DePasquale & Joe Chase
  197. University Physics with Modern Physics, 14th Edition: Hugh D. Young & Roger A. Freedman & A. Lewis Ford & Francis Weston Sears
  198. Gateways to Art: Understanding the Visual Arts, 2nd Edition: Debra J. DeWitte & Ralph M. Larmann & M. Kathryn Shields
  199. Essentials of Abnormal Psychology, 7th Edition: V. Mark Durand & David H. Barlow
  200. Finite Mathematics, 6th Edition: Stefan Waner & Steven Costenoble
  201. New Perspectives Microsoft Office 365 & Access 2016: Comprehensive: Mark Shellman & Sasha Vodnik
  202. Environment: The Science behind the Stories: Jay H. Withgott & Matthew Laposata
  203. Digital Planet: Tomorrow's Technology and You, Introductory (Computers Are Your Future), 10th Edition: Ben Beekman & George Beekman
  204. Architecture and Interior Design: An Integrated History to the Present: Buie Harwood & Bridget May & Curt Sherman
  205. Curren's Math for Meds: Dosages and Solutions, 11th Edition: Anna M. Curren & Margaret Witt
  206. The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases, 10th Edition: Frank B. Cross & Roger LeRoy Miller
  207. Prentice Hall's Federal Taxation 2015 Comprehensive: Thomas R. Pope & Timothy J. Rupert & Kenneth E. Anderson
  208. Drug Use and Abuse: A Comprehensive Introduction, 9th Edition: Howard Abadinsky
  209. Davis's Canadian Drug Guide for Nurses, 15th Edition: April Hazard Vallerand & Cynthia A Sanoski & Judith Hopfer Deglin
  210. Psychology, 12th Edition: Carole Wade & Carol Tavris
  211. How to Nurse: Gweneth Hartrick Doane & Colleen Varcoe
  212. The Advertising Concept Book: Think Now, Design Later, 3rd Edition: Pete Barry
  213. Software, Infrastructure, Labor: A Media Theory of Logistical Nightmares: Ned Rossiter
  214. Organic Chemistry, 8th Edition: Paula Yurkanis Bruice
  215. Humanities: Culture, Continuity and Change, The, Volume I, 3rd Edition: Henry M. Sayre
  216. Financial Accounting, 9th Edition: Robert Libby
  217. Preface to Marketing Management, 14th Edition: J. Paul Peter
  218. Fundamentals of Differential Equations, 9th Edition: R. Kent Nagle & Edward B. Saff & Arthur David Snider
  219. New Dimensions in Women's Health: Linda Lewis Alexander & William Alexander & Judith H. LaRosa & Helaine Bader
  220. Essentials of Economics, 10th Edition: Bradley Schiller
  221. Purchasing and Supply Management (The Mcgraw-Hill Series in Operations and Decision Sciences), 15th Edition: P. Fraser Johnson
  222. Biological Science, 6th Edition: Scott Freeman,Kim Quillin,Lizabeth Allison,Michael Black,Emily Taylor,Author
  223. Critical Thinking: A Students Introduction, 5th Edition: Gregory Bassham & William Irwin & Henry Nardone & James Wallace
  224. Music for Sight Singing, 6th Edition: Thomas E. Benjamin & Michael Horvit & Robert S. Nelson
  225. Microsoft Office 2013: Advanced (Shelly Cashman Series): Misty E. Vermaat
  226. Entrepreneurship, 4th Edition: Andrew Zacharakis & William D. Bygrave & Andrew C. Corbett
  227. Blockchain: Ultimate guide to understanding blockchain, bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts and the future of money: Mark Gates
  228. Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow, Comprehensive, 16th Edition: Deborah Morley & Charles S. Parker
  229. The Boundaries of Australian Property Law: Hossein Esmaeili & Brendan Grigg
  230. New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2016, Introductory: June Jamrich Parsons
  231. California Politics and Government: A Practical Approach, 14th Edition: Larry N. Gerston & Terry Christensen
  232. Foodservice Organizations: A Managerial and Systems Approach, 8th Edition: Mary B. Gregoire
  233. The Elements of Moral Philosophy, 8th Edition: James Rachels
  234. Social Science: An Introduction to the Study of Society, 16th Edition: Elgin F. Hunt & David C. Colander
  235. Psychiatric Nursing, 7th Edition: Norman L. Keltner & Debbie Steele
  236. Microsoft SQL Server 2016: A Beginner's Guide, Sixth Edition (Beginner's Guides): Dusan Petkovic
  237. The Analytic Hospitality Executive: Implementing Data Analytics in Hotels and Casinos (Wiley and SAS Business Series): Kelly A. McGuire
  238. Diseases of the Human Body, 6th edition: Carol D Tamparo
  239. Principles of Corporate Finance (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate): Richard Brealey
  240. Gerontological Nursing, 8th Edition: Charlotte Eliopoulos
  241. How to Use SPSS®: A Step-By-Step Guide to Analysis and Interpretation, 9th Edition: Brian C Cronk
  242. What is Life? A Guide to Biology, 3rd Edition: Jay Phelan
  243. Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice (Seventh Edition): Colin Renfrew & Paul Bahn
  244. Problem Solving and Program Design in C, 8th Edition: Jeri R. Hanly & Elliot B. Koffman
  245. Economics, 4th Edition: Paul Krugman & Robin Wells
  246. Strategic Brand Management, Global 4th Edition: Kevin Keller
  247. Winningham's Critical Thinking Cases in Nursing: Medical-Surgical, Pediatric, Maternity, and Psychiatric, 6th Edition: Mariann M. Harding & Julie S. Snyder
  248. Maternal-Newborn Nursing The Critical Components of Nursing Care, 2nd Edition: Roberta Durham & Linda Chapman
  249. Object-Oriented Software Engineering: An Agile Unified Methodology: David Kung
  250. Ebersole and Hess' Gerontological Nursing and Healthy Aging, Canadian 1st Edition: Theris A. Touhy & Kathleen F Jett & Veronique Boscart & Lynn McCleary
  251. Varcarolis's Canadian Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Canadian 1st Edition: Margaret Jordan Halter
  252. Understanding Global Cultures: Metaphorical Journeys Through 34 Nations, Clusters of Nations, Continents, and Diversity, 6th Edition: Martin J. Gannon & Rajnandini K. Pillai
  253. Principles of Contract Law, 3d (Concise Hornbook Series): Robert Hillman
  254. Understanding Motor Development: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults, 7th edition: David Gallahue & John Ozmun & Jacqueline Goodway
  255. Maternal, Fetal, & Neonatal Physiology (Maternal Fetal and Neonatal Physiology), 4th Edition: Susan Blackburn
  256. Japanese From Zero! 1: Proven Techniques to Learn Japanese for Students and Professionals: George Trombley
  257. Making Sense of Mass Education: Gordon Tait
  258. Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Objects, 6th Edition: Tony Gaddis
  259. Grant's Dissector, 16th edition: Alan J. Detton
  260. Principles of Information Systems, 13th Edition: Ralph Stair & George Reynolds
  261. OAuth 2 in Action: Justin Richer & Antonio Sanso
  262. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing: Geralyn Ochs
  263. Shelly Cashman Series Microsoft Office 365 & Access 2016: Comprehensive: Philip J. Pratt & Mary Z. Last
  264. Mastering the Requirements Process: Getting Requirements Right, 3rd Edition: Suzanne Robertson & James Robertson
  265. CISSP Guide to Security Essentials, 2nd Edition: Peter Gregory
  266. Hacking Exposed Windows: Microsoft Windows Security Secrets and Solutions, 3rd Edition: Joel Scambray
  267. Campbell Biologie: Gymnasiale Oberstufe (Pearson Studium - Biologie Schule) (German Edition): Neil A. Campbell & Jane B. Reece
  268. Linux Hardening in Hostile Networks: Server Security from TLS to Tor (Pearson Open Source Software Development Series): Kyle Rankin
  269. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 6th Edition: Charles Alexander
  270. A History of Western Society Since 1300, Advanced Placement: John P. McKay & Bennett D. Hill & John Buckler & Clare Haru Crowston & Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks & Joe Perry
  271. Ways of the World with Sources for AP*: Robert W. Strayer & Eric W. Nelson
  272. The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume I: To 1550, 6th Edition: Richard Bulliet & Pamela Crossley & Daniel Headrick & Steven Hirsch & Lyman Johnson
  273. Voyages in World History, Volume 2, 3rd Edition: Valerie Hansen & Ken Curtis
  274. Probability & Statistics for Engineers and Scientists with R: Michael Akritas
  275. Crime, Victims and Justice: Essays on Principles and Practice: Marijke Malsch
  276. Contemporary Business, Canadian Edition: Louis E. Boone & David L. Kurtz & Michael Khan & Brahm Canzer
  277. Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 4th Edition: Mikell P. Groover
  278. Accounting, 26th Edition: Carl S. Warren & James M. Reeve & Jonathan Duchac
  279. Social Psychology, 9th Edition: Elliot Aronson & Timothy D Wilson & Samuel R. Sommers
  280. Cracks in the Schoolyard—Confronting Latino Educational Inequality: Gilberto Q. Conchas
  281. The Internet of Risky Things: Trusting the Devices That Surround Us: Sean Smith
  282. Foundations of Business, 5th Edition: William M. Pride & Robert J. Hughes & Jack R. Kapoor
  283. Effective Help Desk Specialist Skills: Darril Gibson
  284. Social Psychology, 12th Edition: David Myers
  285. Becoming a Critical Thinker: A User-Friendly Manual, 6th Edition: Sherry Diestler
  286. Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment - E-Book: Practice Excercises for the NCLEX Exam: Linda A. LaCharity & Candice K. Kumagai & Barbara Bartz
  287. Qualitative Inquiry in Neoliberal Times (International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Series): Unknown
  288. The Official (ISC)2 Guide to the SSCP CBK, 4th Edition: Adam Gordon & Steven Hernandez
  289. Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 9th Edition: John C. Hull
  290. Practice Makes Perfect: Advanced French Grammar: All You Need to Know For Better Communication (Practice Makes Perfect Series): Véronique Mazet
  291. New Grade 9-1 GCSE Chemistry: AQA Revision Guide: CGP Books
  292. New Grade 9-1 GCSE Biology: AQA Revision Guide: CGP Books
  293. New Grade 9-1 GCSE Physics: AQA Revision Guide: CGP Books
  294. Project Management For Dummies, 4th edition: Portny, Stanley E.
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