Any way to reduce whey?
Started making this yogurt but still experimenting and wanted to ask for tips on how to reduce the amount of whey?
(sorry for the link. I don't know why but the image keeps getting deleted)
this is my second batch. I expected lesser whey but ended up with 50% yogurt and 50% whey. This happened on the first batch and I didn't think much of it since many people say that's normal on the first batch. The actual yogurt is thick so I moved the yogurt part into a jar and mixed in the whey to create a desirable consistency. Froze some of the whey and threw out the rest. I think there are L Reuteri because it gives me that calm feeling when I take some.
What I am using:
- 80% 3.5% fat milk
- 20% cream
- 2 table spoons of inulin
Half and half is not available where I live so I thought I would make my own. Could this be the problem? On my next try I'm gonna just use milk and see what happens.
Any advice on what I should do would be great.
Thank you