Family devastated they are losing their nanny despite cutting her hours.
It’s like they don’t understand this is how people make a living?
I have a family that attends my daycare. They have a nanny that I’m on very good terms with. Like we literally hangout outside and she’s my babysitter. The family cut her hours in half because the oldest is starting kinder soon and the younger one will be attending daycare more often. For whatever reason they thought they’d be able to retain her despite the fact that she is now getting paid half.
Well one of the families in my daycare is looking to hire a nanny. They’re sick of their child getting sick all the time and are trying for another so frankly I don’t blame them lol.
So I put them in contact and they want to hire her full time.
The previous family is devastated. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard “but our kids love her so much” “she’s perfect for our family” “she’s the only one we really trust”….. ok pay her? She wants a full time job with benefits, not 15 sporadic hours a week.