The Official Challenge Podcast with Katie

Katie was a guest on The Official Challenge Podcast hosted by Tori & Aneesa. They discussed All Stars 5: Rivals - Episode 4. I included some highlights below. For all the tea, listen to the podcast

Some Highlights:

  • Aneesa says that her and Ashley were close while filming Champs vs. Stars
  • Aneesa admits that it was triggering watching the things that Ashley was saying because she was still disappointed about her loss against Jenny during Season 40: Battle of the Eras
  • Aneesa says that Fessy's reason for sending her in makes no sense because she only nominated him during Season 38: Ride or Dies, meanwhile Devin & Tori actually sent Fessy into elimination. She says that Fessy was speaking to her all day prior to the elimination and he never mentioned it
  • Aneesa says that Amber has reached out to her since the season ended, but Fessy hasn't
  • After they were eliminated, Aneesa and Ashley hung out in Vietnam before they flew home
  • Aneesa says that Adam's daughter made everyone on the cast friendship bracelets
  • Katie admits that she felt out of place during Season 40 because the flagship is very intense
  • Katie & Aneesa say that they filmed their confessionals at the Season 40 house
  • Katie admits that she is annoyed with her performance during previous All Stars seasons because her daughter would question her on why she didn't try
  • Katie says that her "Masterclass" was a joke that came from her trying to help Adam & Steve with their social/political game. She says that Steve was visibly more upset than Adam
  • Katie says that her rivalry with Veronica is very old so they don't carry any animosity towards each other anymore. She says that her and Veronica would do facials instead of working out
  • Katie says that it makes no sense why teams in power are sending in female pairs to face Adam & Steve. She believes that mixed pairs or the other male pair should be sent in instead
  • Katie says that Amber told her that she wanted to target stronger teams but Fessy didn't want to
  • Aneesa says that her & Katie were shopping for their 80s party outfits on Amazon prior to the season
  • Aneesa says that she was surprised that Sam approached her because Sam is into blondes. She says that Frank told the entire house about their hookup the next morning. Katie says that she heard about it too but didn't think it was that big of a deal. Aneesa re-iterates that it wasn't a big deal at all
  • Katie knew about Adam's plan to self-nominate. She explains that Adam wanted to get rid of a strong team since he knew that him & Steve were going to be the house vote regardless
  • Aneesa heard that Adam wanted to go against her because of her alliance with Leroy & Devin. Aneesa says that she would've aligned with Adam but she played more recently with Devin, Leroy, Nany etc.
  • Katie says that she never heard any rumors about Adam wanting to go against Aneesa. She says that if she knew, she would've given Aneesa a heads-up
  • Tori asks Katie how she feels about Frank calling her & Veronica a weak team. Katie says that she agrees, and that those types of comments don't offend her. She's fine being a layup if it means safety
  • Katie says that she's open to returning for future All Stars seasons

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