Woke up bleeding and cramping
Trigger warning - discussion around suspected miscarriage.
After over 5 years of trying, starting the IVF process in April and waiting through PGT-M process, my husband and I finally transferred our only PGT normal male embryo on December 5th, and I had positive HPTs starting 4DPT and high HCG at our betas 11 and 13 DPT. I’ve felt pretty normal but tired up until a few days ago, when my breast tenderness started to subside and I had a day of gastrointestinal issues and just felt “off”. Woke up on Christmas morning to brown bleeding, and have been spotting and cramping on and off all day and have a horrible headache. I suspect I’m losing our little boy and am sooo anxious waiting for my clinic to open back up tomorrow, but I’m not optimistic about what they’ll say. Not sure what I’m looking for here, except maybe some hope or sympathy from those who get it, as I try to not let myself spiral waiting for the clinic to open tomorrow morning.
Update: Had an ultrasound this morning and everything looks normal and I’m measuring right on, but we didn’t see definite cardiac activity. Doc said he thought he saw something and my husband and I thought we saw it, too, but no one is sure, although it could still just be too early. Waiting on HCG and progesterone lab results and going back on 1/2 for another scan. 🤞
2nd update for those who may be experiencing something similar and are reading this post: Despite having continued spotting and cramping on and off since Christmas, we went in for another ultrasound yesterday (1/2) and all is well! Our little boy is measuring right on and we got to see and hear his little heartbeat. ❤️