seeing all the kit concept ideas, i wanted to share my super self indulgent kit!!

hyacine - 5★ wind remembrance

basic attack - instead of targeting enemies, targets allies. the targeted ally is healed based on X% of hyacine's speed and gain one stack of "inspiration". adjacent allies are healed for half the original value but recieve no inspiration.

skill - summon the memosprite "cloudcatcher" to the field. cloudcatcher inherits 60% of hyacine's HP and 50% of hyacines speed. if cloudcatcher is already on the field, hyacine's skill advances his action by 100%.

ultimate - removes all stacks of "inspiration" from allies, advancing each units action by 25% per stack of inspiration they have. additionally, hyacine places the "elysian moonscape" field effect onto the battlefield for 5 turns. When this field is active, all allies inherit X% of hyacine's speed and deal bonus damage equal to X% of their speed.

talent - hyacine's different abilities can apply "inspiration" stacks to teammates. each stack of "inspiration" increases the targets energy regen by 5%. inspiration can stack up to a max of 4 times per ally.

technique - hyacine grants herself the "hallowed" buff. in the overworld, hyacine can ride on cloudcatcher to increase their traversal speed. enemies will not attack hyacine and cloudcatcher. Upon entering battle, cloudcatcher will already be summoned and his action is advanced by 100%.

cloudcatcher - the white unicorn memosprite!

memosprite skill - heals all allies based on X% of his speed, cleansing all allies of 1 debuff, and grants all allies one stack of inspiration.

memosprite talent - cloudcatcher records all healing the team receive in a meter, when this meter reaches 100 - cloudcatcher restores 15 energy to each party member.


trace 1: whenever an ally falls below 60% hp, cloudcatcher immediately takes action. this can occur again once hyacine has taken 2 turns.

trace 2: hyacine gains 1% outgoing healing bonus for every 10 points of speed she has

trace 3: for every remembrance unit on the team, memosprites recieve a 25% bonus to elysian moonscapes damage% buff.