The ending (opinions)
just finished for the 8/9th time, i cry my eyes out EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Which is then followed by rage when Ted’s kids tell him to go get Robin.
This rewatch opened my eyes a lot more for some reason and i have concluded that Robin should have been involved with Ted OR Barney. The ending would’ve made more sense to me if Ted decided to keep the friendship and not make a move after the first date for the sake of the group. He never took his chance out of respect and now he’s lived the life he wanted he can get the girl he always wanted without pushing marriage/kids.
I despise the ending so much, and no it’s not because i don’t get the show. Its just an unnecessary addition to the ending. Everyone’s old but hit the milestones they wanted and now Ted enjoys life with his kids not bothering with women again makes the most sense to me.
Maybe I’m alone in this. What does everyone else think? 😎