Today was the day we broke the frugal

I live with one of my adult daughters. I am celiac and we both have multiple food allergies. I have multiple sclerosis and am on an immune suppressant, so I mask in public places and eating in a restaurant is not on my to-do list. We never eat out. We're both good cooks and take out or order-in is ridiculously expensive.

But the refrigerator broke today. We have a deep freezer and we were able to transfer all the frozen food. We live in New England, and it's cold enough that the cold food went into the garage.

My daughter was beside herself. Her car is in the shop for a major repair. Another expense in the form of a new refrigerator is a kick in the pants that she just didn't need. And she was understandably upset.

So I pulled up a website for a restaurant we can both order from. And I bought her a nice steak dinner, delivered.

When things are hard, feed yourself. Let people feed you. Food is life.