Started doing CE-5 and it's working

I've been lurking this subreddit for about a month and made this account so I could share some of the things I've experienced. This post might be a mess, my mind is all over the place right now. These past few weeks have completely changed my view on reality.

I'm going to start with my first experience for some background.

I saw my first UAP in September 2021. I was sitting on my front porch when I noticed a green orb flying around in the sky. I watched it do these impossible looking maneuvers for like 5 minutes before it flew away faster than anything I have ever seen. It was honestly amazing getting to see it, I had wanted to see a UFO for most of my life and I finally got to see one. I even got a video of it. A few weeks passed and I saw the same orb in the sky again, doing almost the same exact thing as the first time. After that I kind of became obsessed with these things and started to go out and watch the sky every night. I started seeing these orbs all the time.

At the time I wasn't too sure what I was looking at. I didn't really believe it was NHI, I figured maybe it was secret military drones as I do live somewhat close to an airforce base. I kept this up until I had my first close up encounter with a craft in March of 2022. It was around 10pm and I was driving home from work. I noticed some weird lights in the sky near the entrance to a neighborhood. Of course I wanted to check it out so I drove over there to investigate. As I got closer I started seeing a dark figure that kind of looked like some sort of airplane but it was hovering in one spot. I drove right underneath it, opened my window and looked up. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was this triangle shaped craft, about the size of a bus, hovering in place about 60 feet off the ground right next to a bunch of houses. I remember it had lights on each corner and one in the center. Despite how low this thing was to the ground it wasn't making a single sound. After about a minute of me looking at this thing it starts moving forward slowly, so I started following it. I followed it all the way through this neighborhood and it started making its way to this park that was nearby. It had sped up a bit so I was trying to catch up to it. As I get closer to the park I see another craft just like the first one, except this one looked a little bigger. The 2 of them met up and then flew behind the park to a field that I couldn't drive to. I park my car trying to comprehend what I just saw and as I'm doing that one of the craft had turned around and was slowly moving down the street I had just chased it on. I was freaking out at this point and so I decided to leave and go home.

After that I stopped trying to look for these things, being that close to one was a little too freaky and weird for me. I would occasionally see orbs in the sky similar to the first few I saw, but nothing like that triangle craft.

Fast forward to the beginning of this month, the whole New Jersey sightings got me back into this subject. I figured if other people are seeing weird things in the sky then surely I have a good chance of seeing something again. I ended up coming across this subreddit and started reading other peoples experiences, which made me a lot more comfortable with my own. I started opening up to the idea that maybe these are NHI. I got a copy of the CE-5 handbook and continued where I left off 2 years ago. The first night I tried it I managed to see another orb. I even managed to communicate with it. I'd ask it to fly a certain way and sure enough it would do it. I've been doing this almost every night since and they show up every single time. I'm amazed that this is actually working.

Contact seems to be escalating though. They've communicated with me telepathically a couple of times, and I'm just seeing more of these orbs in general. I don't even have to ask for them to come, they're already there whenever I look at the sky. Today I had an experience that's making me question what I'm even getting into. I was sitting in my room when I kept hearing something in my head saying that I should go to one of the parks near my house, so I did. Whenever I got there it was really cloudy so I couldn't see anything in the sky, but after about 10 minutes the sky cleared up. Hiding behind the clouds was about 4 orbs flying around the sky. I tried asking some questions and they answered some. I also told them to leave the interactions in the sky, and that I don't want to see them in my home.

This whole experience was really fun until today. Like the realizations are starting to actually hit me. These things are real. I feel like I don't truly know what I opened myself up too. I haven't talked about the things they've communicated with me in this post, maybe I'll do another one and go into it then, but so far the things they've said have been positive. They seem to care about me for some reason, but I don't truly know if that's the case. What if they're lying? What if they want to abduct me? I feel like I'm at a crossroad. On one hand I'm genuinely interested and fascinated by this and want to learn more, but also what if these things want to harm me? Supposedly my dad was abducted a long time ago but he's never actually told the full story to me, just that it happened. It doesn't seem like he wants to talk about it either. I feel very confused and alone with this. I can't really talk about it with anyone, they'll think I'm crazy. I wouldn't really blame anyone for thinking that either, this entire thing makes me feel like I could be losing my mind. I don't think I am but fuck this goes against everything I thought I knew.

Anyway, that's been my experience with this phenomenon so far. If you read all of this, thank you. This subreddit has been very helpful in making me feel less alone <3