Sleep Paralysis episodes + weird dreams since the Orbs have appeared.

Hi, I didn't know this subreddit existed before but I finally feel like I have a place I can share these experiences. For the past 12 years since I was 14, I have been having sleep paralysis episodes.

In the first episode I ever had I was able to open my eyes and could see two tall Grey looking aliens, they almost looked slightly mixed with slender man. Tall thin naked and Grey, with huge black bug eyes. They crawled over my body in bed, but I couldn't understand what they were saying it didn't sound like any human language I had ever heard. At the time I was very religious and began chanting a bible verse in my head because I was so scared, and that made them go away. I could feel them on my body, I knew they were there. Luckily, my mother has had sleep paralysis for almost her entire life and she believed me.

I've had dozens of interactions via sleep paralysis with these entities since then. However, in the past week, my paralysis has gone from every few months to an almost nightly occurrence. It has been pretty harmless so far, only hearing the entities from behind me. But today I accidentally took a nap, and was awoken to my heart pounding, and this sound like a low but loud airhorn in my ears. I know I wasn't in active paralysis because I physically was trying to cover my ears and it was as if it was coming from inside my head. I could hear the talking but again I couldn't make out anything because it's some language I don't know. I'm open to any thoughts, again I'm just trying to make sense of everything.