Does this sound like a seizure?
My (27F) partner (27M) might have just had a seizure. Here’s what happened:
- he started complaining about feeling extremely nauseous, anxious and hot after dinner.
- suddenly his eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he started making jerking movements. He was unresponsive for 30 seconds. His mouth was making kind of a rattling sound.
- when he woke up he was disoriented and could answer very simple questions
- he then started getting extremely hot and threw up profusely.
- he’s now feeling exhausted and out of it. He’s taking a nap.
The paramedic said that since he could answer simple questions after his seizure, that it was probably just food poisoning. What confuses me is when I looked it up, people can respond to simple questions with autonomic seizures.
Updates: - his mother apparently has had similar symptoms before, but no diagnosis. - he had a burrito yesterday (that I didn’t have) from takeout. - he has been having non-stop vomiting and diarrhea, so I’m not sure if that’s typical or not. - no unconscious episodes since - he says he’s feeling a bit better now. He is taking it easy today, having bland foods that he can tolerate.