Scatterbrained ideas

I’m gonna start with this: I’m enjoying the game, I don’t think I have the answers but I’ve experienced some… issues.

To start, I get wanting to play as a saber. I love playing as a saber. They’re my favorite animal to play as in the game thus far. But hoooooly SHIT everyone and their mother wants to play as them. Last night I joined a server with 31 of them. Like twelve wolves, six horses and I was playing the only bison. Everyone was screaming that they were starving and West River was scattered with saber corpses because they all starved to death and nobody could eat them.

Maybe horse and bison NPC herds, especially if the server is carnivore-heavy. If the devs wanted to get technical maybe you could buy NPC herd members with tracks. That or a different way to incentivize people to play herbivores more.

Or maybe we could be less fun about it and put limits on the number of animals per server. Lowest being sabers, then wolves, then bison, and highest limit being horses.

Another issue I’ve noticed is it seems like everyone wants to play male. Maybe a small boost to earned tracks if you’re running with a group that’s more evenly split between male and female rather than overwhelmingly one sex or the other.

Or the ability to pick a server you want to play on. Who knows. I definitely don’t have all the answers and I can definitely see issues in my suggestions, but I wanted to throw those thoughts out there.