Delusional office's mysterious run?
It all started when i used the gauntlet gamemode with bunny perk and i just got an idea to do the noclip glitch to avoid wall piercing entities
Vision works and limbo 50/50
And when i got teleported (after falling to the void which teleports me back), instead of the gauntlet room, It's a normal random room
So I was curious and then i decided to explore this "normal run infiltration"
After 15 doors opened i was feeling strange and lonely cus
No entity spawned (because of the gauntlet)
Only doorcamper spawned
And unexpected things
And when i got to room r-44, r-45 or r-46
I got disconnected and it says (playerdata has been removed) i might have a theory that i might be in a beta run or the error is stopping me to continue
Ik what u guys know about this "error" but talking about this one made me scared because of lack of entities, less rare, uncommon and common rooms
And looks soo beta
Here's a video (from recent and edited i might revisit to record)
Anyways thanks for reading :3