[WV] Can I move my child out of state?
I (31F) live with my daughter (6) and it's mainly just been us. I had my daughter in WV with a man that I barely knew. I eventually moved back to TN (I first moved there when I was 19 and just wanted a better life for us. We spent her first 4 years there. Just us. Her father never called hardly. I eventually made a decision (that I regret) to move back to WV to be closer to family and possibly create a relationship for my child and her dad. Well, he never wanted to get an actually DNA test done, even when I asked to do it he said "we don't need to do that'. Well, he's barely called or made an effort to see her. We haven't talked on the phone in a couple months. He didn't even call on her birthday. I can't have him just randomly popping in every few months. It just confuses my daughter. I'm ready to move back to TN, that's when our life was best. I was happy there. I'm absolutely miserable here. Sorry for the long rant but my question is, if I plan to move back to TN with my daughter, can her dad