Question about Xenos “Dwell” culture

I’ve lived in Ohio for almost 10 years and have managed to avoid Xenos people, as I’m an adult who is not religious and resists invitations to churches and Bible studies. I have a coworker in her early 60’s who I just found out is a Xenos member. I’ve worked with her for 2 years and have found her to be unbearable - constantly parroting unhinged far right-wing propaganda when nobody was asking, loudly over-sharing very personal and inappropriate information about people she knows to anyone who will listen, making comments and asking questions about people’s lives that are none of her business. We work on a medical office and she makes these comments loudly and I appropriately in the presence of waiting room patients (talking about details of someone’s divorce or miscarriage or illness, bringing up anti-immigrant propaganda and anti-trans propaganda). I’m sober and I also noticed that she talks about drinking a lot, has made cakes baked with tequila and brought them to work, seems to be fine with booze but blames marijuana on all of society’s problems. She talks about her church a lot, and uses anecdotes by people at her church as citations for facts. I’ve just assumed she is a very annoying unhinged right wing Christian, but I’m wondering how much of this is typical Xenos behavior?