The Flash (2023) wasn't unwinnable, everyone was an idiot
I re-watched the movie The Flash and I noticed that other than the CGI, the point that the movie was trying to make, that some stuff is inevitable and can't be fixed nor mitigated, doesn't work because the writers failed to make the battle feel truly unwinnable.
Why do I think so?
- Several moments in the battle, we see both Flashes manage to kill Kryptonians, either with lucky shots, by phasing or using their weapons. In the montage of the many attempts Young Barry does, he never tries to phase through Zod and telefrag him. It's not like Zod's inmune to it. Yeah, we have seen Zod react to the Flash and tag him, but he doesn't have four arms.
- In every single moment we see, none of the Flashes try to go back further (At least an hour) and try to warn Supergirl or Batman that Zod has way more men than they think, and that Supergirl can't fight Zod; they have to do something else.
- Flash feels like he's just a panicking speedster. I know Young Barry is supossed to be idiotic, but I am pretty sure he would have noticed at one point that they needed more time and a better plan, but also Older Barry just gives up after two attempts, he doesn't try more.
Let's break down how this "unwinnable" battle could have been turned into a decisive victory
- They go back at least an hour.
- Supergirl immediately ascends to the upper atmosphere. Spending an hour bathing in concentrated solar radiation. In the movie, she barely had any time, so she had no time to master her powers.
- Both Flashes utilize their speed to perform rapid, extensive reconnaissance. They map the precise positions of all Kryptonians, including Zod.
- The mere instant Zod shows up, both Flashes attack him at the same time as fast as they can, the one attacking the front, one attacking the back, Supergirl uses heat vision to pin him down while Batman distracts the other kryptonians with his plane.
- Zod in Man of Steel died to his neck being snapped, so if one of the Flashes telefrags his heart during the ambush, goodbye, insteant death.
- Now with Zod down, they have to kill the other two Kryptonians as fast as possible, if they fail, go back a few minutes before and try again until they die.
- What about the world engine? Since Zod and his men would have died in at best 10 minutes, that is plenty of time for Supergirl to handle it, barely, but she can, none of the Flashes can do it because they can't survive it.
In conclusion, the film's attempt to portray an inescapable, "fixed point" scenario is undermined by several critical flaws in its execution. The writers failed to establish a credible sense of overwhelming odds or insurmountable limitations; instead of legit being unwinnable, everyone is just suffering from severe "forgot about their powers".
To truly make the fight feel unwinnable, they needed to escalate the threat exponentially.
Tens of thousands of Kryptonian soldiers, each as powerful as the ones we saw. Zod doesn't just land; he deploys his forces in a coordinated, multi-pronged assault, targeting key locations simultaneously; thousands of troops per continent, attacking at the same time, with dozens of World Engines.
In this scenario, now the fight is truly unwinnable; killing Zod is moot because there are thousands of other Kryptonians wrecking havoc, Supergirl can't destroy every world engine, Superman in the Man of Steel movie could barely destroy one, and with dozens all over the planet, she can't destroy them all on time.
Now Young Barry's attempts at going back in time, over and over again, trying to kill every Kryptonian, destroy every world engine, now is truly impossible because he is not strong enough nor fast enough to do this.