Job finding, impossible.
I’m sorry this is a longer post, kind of a rant and looking for advice. Finding a job as a Canadian in my own country has been absolutely terrible. Trying to find a job in British Columbia is the most frustrating thing ever. 25 Male, had to move back home to see my family doctor because I’m struggling with my Mental Health which has lead to poor handling of stress. My Mental Health cost me everything I had and I lost the things I love the most. I’ve done 7 therapy sessions and counselling and feel I am on the right track to being my best self. For the last 3 years I worked in healthcare so I have an abundance of experience with office administration, patient registration and clerking. I also have 3 years of retail sales experience and 2 years in Food service and dietary.
It’s been 3 months of literally trying to find any job so I can start somewhere. In early January, I applied for over 75 jobs that I have the necessary training, certifications and experience for. In 3 months, I have received 0 call backs and only 2 emails which lead to interviews. Both of which, I was not the selected candidate so those opportunities are gone now.
Why is it impossible to find a job in my home country/province? Am I doing something wrong? Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Edit: Thank you so much to everyone for your replies, thank you to those who offered advice, information and also kind words toward my situation. I am very appreciative of the people who took time to comment and relate to my situation.