Need to have a sitdown with MB DB

I have to give a bit of context

I started working for a family that has a 2 yr old(only child) in the dynamic we have a domestic that is very much like family to them. My nk adores her and basically solely listens to her for obvious reasons he has known her his entire life. I get along with her for the most part but she is very bossy and tells me what to do at every minute of the day. i dont think she can help herself really.

I find it very stressful because she goes everywhere with me when I take the nk to school, pick him up, outings and most of the time, well all of the time he never wants to go with me. I can understand that but then she steps in forcefully and takes over. Not the first time its basically with eating as well.

I feel like an idiot most of the time because I just have to stand one side and move out of the way and let her carry on. There is no boundaries set, he does what he wants and get what he wants and she encourages it. They dont allow him to even moan about it and then its all over.

Among everything else he started getting angry and now decides when I tell him it is bath time or eating time or just about anything he hits me. I think its too many people involved which is why he wont ever bond with me in the way he does with her. TBH I am always calm and do not stress when he hits me or shouts at me.

I have worked up the courage to tell parents that we need to have a sit down and talk about nk. I just dont know how to bring up all of this without breaking up the dynamic basically. The domestic is like family to them so there is no question of them telling her off etc.

Please help me with positive ways to make them see it is not good for nk in the long having his way all the time.