Primary elections 2024

Unless you've been living under a rock for the last month, tomorrow is the Texas Primary election.

One thread(this one) will be utilized to provide voting information for those who still haven't voted.

Note we will be banning ANY incivility and will have crowd control set to high on most threads.

We will also be permabanning anybody inciting violence or actively passing harmful information.

Any individual posts that do not contribute meaningfully will be removed.

Use this thread to ask questions and give updates on poll lines or the voting process in general. Note that we'll be removing individual posts of pictures of polling lines and that any sort of recording near the polls is strictly prohibited.

Also check out the voting guides here:

Check wait times here for Travis county:

Check polling locations and wait times here for Williamson county:

Check Hay County voting locations here:

As long as you are in line by 7PM, you will be allowed to vote.