Kevin either has a low IQ and low literacy despite being a “professor” or he is a complete sociopath that convinced the court that he in innocent in all of this. Read below

How are people not talking about how in the beginning of the documentary he tells us that Ruby had a color-coded chart of all the men courting her. He was happy to see his name on it when he found the chart and then studied it and became the person she wanted to marry (psycho). On that chart, she had written “wants 6 kids” which means Ruby always wanted 6 kids and had 6 kids unlike what people are saying “if you didn’t want kids, don’t have them”. But sounds like she got married at 18 so never really got to live her life on her terms, explore herself, get an education of some sort despite being a Mormon. Sounds like she had mental illness all long but it was likely never diagnosed as she was so busy with motherhood since late her teens and probably blamed it on that. Her religious upbringing likely supported that thought as well that it’s motherhood making her “crazy”. I also think she was struggling with her sexuality, probably had a lot of self-hate that she projected on her kids. But back to Kevin, I think he knew all along what he was doing but did it bc he was so in love with Ruby as to him he won her from other men and didn’t want to lose her. I wonder if he got off easy bc he is a man in a Mormon state where women are subhuman so he could do no wrong in this situation and his stories were believable despite sounding like insanity on the documentary? Like how did the state/prosecutors believe his theory? How are the kids OK with him?